Review laws, by laws, code of conduct governing Teachers work force in Tanzania and develop simplified version for teachers.
Design Organization Advocacy Strategy on Access to Justice, and Media Dissemination Channel
Development of National CSOs Monitoring Tools for UPR, UNCRC, ACWRC and develop capacity building programme on the use of the tools
Design capacity building materials on engagement of PWDs in policy formulation
Asses the organization capacity and support the organization to review and develop Constitution.
Asses the organization capacity and support the organization to review and develop financial and Procurement Policies.
Asses the organization capacity and support the organization to develop Board Charter.
Assess the organization capacity, designing training programme, Facilitate institution governance and Leadership training to 45 CSO’S partners board members and senior management team
Training on institution governance and Leadership training to Women Human Rights Defenders Board Members and Secretariat
Development of SHIVYAWATA governance and leadership policies including Human Resource Manual
Development of SHIVYAWATA governance and leadership policies including Financial Policy
Development of SHIVYAWATA governance and leadership policies including Procurement Policy
Development of SHIVYAWATA governance and leadership policies including Organizational Sustainability Policy
Development Child rights and Gender Capacity building training materials and deliver to Magistrates, Police and Social Welfare Officers in Njombe Reigion
Training on Governance, Disability Inclusion, Gender and Advocacy
Assessment on Disability inclusion in Child Protection Service
Review KMPJ Partners Safeguarding and Accountability Policies and Develop Training on Sexual Harassment & Exploitation
Review WAJIBU Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy and train WAJIBU Staff on Sexual Harassment and Exploitation
Facilitate webinar session on Sexual Harassment and Exploitation
Develop SHIVYAWATA Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding and Accountability Training for Lyra Tanzania Staff & partners and design campaign programme
Development of TCDC Child and Vulnerable Safeguarding Policy, and design training on Sexual Harassment and Child Abuse
Endline Evaluation for the Inclusive Dialogue on Economic and Fiscal Governance in Tanzania (DEVCO Project)
Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism Assessment
Safeguarding Investigation and produce report
Development Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy for SHIVYAWATA
Supported Railway Children Africa to assess budget allocation in relation to implementation of Child Protection policy and plans in LGAs 10 Councils; and design organization guideline for engagement in national budget process
Development of Gate-keeping guidelines and safeguarding for children in alternative care forms; and design awareness campaign.
Baseline Survey on Local Government Budget Process to the service delivery unit (Education)
Evaluation for Project on Inclusive Education for Children with Multi-sensory impairment
Facilitated National Forum for Children in street situation and Key policy markers
Development of Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy
Development of Gate-keeping guidelines for children in alternative care
Develop Positive Discipline Training and campaign Materials and Build Capacity of SOS CV partners on Corporal Punishment and Positive Discipline Mechanisms
Training of SOS CV Staff on Tanzania laws and policies relate to Gatekeeping and Safeguarding
Training for Partners on child rights and UN-General Comment No. 21 on children and youth living and working on the streets
Development of Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy
Survey on International Policies on Governance, Election and Democracy; and develop the Media and Governance Strategy basing on the Tanzania Local Context
Development of Behavioural Change Communication Strategy on inclusion of People with Disability in economic and trade
Review relevant children’s policies and supported SHIVYAWATA to develop Child and Vulnerable Adults safeguarding and its Implementation Plan
Development of Training materials, and deliver training on Governance, Leadership, Child Rights, Human Rights Principles and support participants (East Africa Region and Central Africa) to develop advocacy tool for most vulnerable children
Development of Communication Material/Manual for National Junior Councils
Review survey report on VAC and developed Policy Briefs on violence against children at School
Review survey report on gender equity on extractive industry and developed Policy Brief
Development of CCBRT Child and Vulnerable Protection Policy.
Development of the Multi-Sectoral Protocol on Management of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence against Children in Tanzania (VAC)
Development of Child Helpline Communication Material, Manual and facilitated TOTs’s training.
Formed part of Technical Team in developing media and communication strategy on ending child marriage.
Development of Awareness Raising Strategy on Child Rights and People with Albinism
Lead and Facilitated the National Consultation Forum with People with Disability on Developing National Plan of Action on Violence against Women & Children 2017/2018-2021/2022
Facilitated national children with disabilities consultation meeting to obtain their views towards Global Education Week
Development of National Children Agenda Advocacy Plan.
Gender, Human Rights and Women Rights Capacity building training materials and deliver to Magistrates, Police and Social Welfare Officers in Shinyanga Region.
Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy